Token Allocation
Last updated
Last updated
Max supply: 1,000,000,000 token (One billion)
Circulating supply: 13 million (including 2 million for airdrop) Updated: 3/2022
Community Token from beginning: 20%
Strategic investors: 0.6%, from 10/2021 (08 months cliff period, followed by 6 months vesting)
IDO on Bitbns/Ascent: 1.3%, from 11/2021 (no vesting)
Token Sale Round 2: 5%, from Q2/2022 (no vesting)
Token Sale Round 3: 3.1%, from Q4/2022 (no vesting)
Foundation: 20%, 24 months cliff period, followed by 12 months vesting
Team: 15%, 36 months, followed by 24 months vesting and market cap > $300m
Advisor: 2%, 24 months, followed by 12 months
Reserve Fund: 33% of the max supply, including 25% in 06/2022; 25% in 12/2022; 25% in 06/2023; 25% in 12/2023;
Capital reserve for Buy Now Pay Later services when the Demand and Supply of Capital in Flow of Fund is not balance
Reserve for the Strategy investor in the long run
The reserve fund or other important decision will be decided by the Community.